
Spreken in vergelijkingen opdat gij het nu wel verstaat.
Wat maakt de Bijbel zo mysterieus?
Het is geschreven in vergelijkingen opdat gij het niet verstaat!
En dat noemen wij het ‘’waarheidsboek’’?
Heeft U zich dat nooit afgevraagd?
Erflastig hebben wij dit vreemde boek zo’n 2000 jaar in onze genen vastgelegd.
Er zijn tientallen oorlogen door ontstaan en uiteindelijk hebben wij het door scheiding van Kerk en Staat maar naast ons neergelegd.
Doen we iets fout?
Na een studie van ongeveer 30 jaar ten aanzien van oude wijsheid over cyclische processen - die allen elkaars gelijke zouden zijn - kreeg ik een beter beeld over de vergelijkingen in dit ‘’Waarheidsboek’’ alsmede de oorsprong en de zin ervan.
Dit is mijn laatste poging om via dialogen de zin van de hedendaagse waanzin met elkaar te bepraten.
Laat mij hier één ding duidelijk zeggen.
Ik doe dit alles, omdat ik zelf erg blij ben met het weten dat het nooit anders had kunnen gaan en/of in de sterren beschreven stond en gun dat iedereen.

Siegfried Bok.

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maandag 6 februari 2012

Mayan prophecies : Letter to Adam Maloof. [Februari 6, 2012]

Dear Adam Maloof,
Mij name is Siegfried Bok.
By coincidence I saw you on Nat. Geographics about your search after the truth about the Mayan Prophecies with geology.
I was a medical specialist [retired] , cancer-researcher and - how ridiculous it looks like -  I came out by the Mayan Prophecies after a study of about 30 years.[ medical CV on]
I only give you here the highlights.
My “alternative” research started in 1970 by searching the origin of cell-specialisation in biology and evolution in order to try to find an answer of this reversed cycle.
Owing to this biological study  it became clear that cell-specialisation was triggered by lack of energy, where-after an increased cell-mitosis originated.
Owing to my study of evolution it became clear that this cell-specialisation originated only in the highest specialised specimen owing to which all lower specimen are still present.
Coincidentally from pregnancy we know that this is a perfect replica of evolution and that delivery is triggered at the moment that the unborn baby starts his own metabolism.
This induces a reaction which is similar to organ-transplant rejection because it’s a foreign body.
Another remarkable point in this biological study was that in “free nature” illness is unknown.
Beside the fact that mankind or “Lucifer” is making his own  fire [ metabolism ] , the cause of illness was found to be a tiny defect in the brain and named corpus callosum and/or a calcified bridge between our collective and individual mind - as it was described in ancient know-how.
Therefor we “suffer” a progressive hereditive load which leads to progressive suffering illness and genetic disorders.
Halfway this cancer-research [ in the 80-th] I became anxious, because all aspects of cancer were present in our nowadays economy from which recycling of our own waste is a merely unknown aspect. My fear triggered me to speak on a congress about “Cancer, it’s like economy” and so I became an enemy of the system.
The final article about cancer in 1986 was refused by Medical Hypotheses with the reason that it was too confronting for “the general welfare of mankind”.
Now our cancerous economy is in a terminal state and is treated by money-infuses [like hyperalimentation in medicin ] to prolong life only.

Owing to the refusal of this article I stopped my medical work and studied the causes of fall of leading cultures, which all let us very sophisticated and rich monuments.
Where their cultures also cancerous ones in body and minds?
From the Egypt culture it was known that AIDS - named Sida and/or Saida - was such a desease and that all cultures started recycling at the end of their days.
The result was a complete exhaustion of their territory which ended in a desert.
And strange enough the fall of cultures - a selfdestructing war - always originated during the end of each eon.
And however I cannot prove it, I am sure that during time and always during the change of eons the further evolutionary jumps our calcified bridge became more and more calcifeid.
And this resulted in even bigger distance from nature and/or our collective mind.
Now we live at the end the Pesces-eon and go to Aquarius.
Now we have a world-culture - dictated by the Western Society - with a cancerous economy.
Now we have an epidemic of cancer and... AIDS.
Now we also suffer a human plague and exhaust nature in a tremendous speed.
Is it all coincidence?

About 5 years ago a couple of Maya-researchers came to me and told me about their baktun-theory and/or the growth from 12 to 13 baktuns.
Then I realised that we now have 13 moon-cyles in a year.
Then I realised that women and/or yin in general live about 8% longer than men and that one can simulate this increase with injections with embryonic cells [Niehans-therapy]
This forbidden therapy I used about 5 years in my private praxis.
These all together - and properly described in the Bible as well - made evident that the Maya Prophecy was a very sophisticated study about the end of the cycle-waves of cultures and hidden in fairy-tales in order that we couldn't understand.
Isn’t Genesis and Revelation exactly like pregnancy in which mankind by making his own metabolism - named technology - induces delivery of life?
Now we stay at the eve of Worldwar III : a nuclear war that destroy life.
After this general destruction a huge inundation will come [named Aquarius and egual to fload of pregnancy-water ] where-after in Capricorn Earth will loose its water again.

In my humble opinion we  reached the equality of Cosmic Yin and Yang whereafter a Big Bang and Big Crunch [Hawking] starts a new cycle into eternaty.

May I have your opinion about this absurd reconstruction?

Sincerely yours,
Siegfried Bok.


1 opmerking:

  1. Natuurlijk - zou ik haast zeggen - kreeg ik geen enkele respons op welke wereldse wetenschapper ook als het gaat over onze "tot op het bot verkankerde wereld". Ook reacties die ik plaatste in allerhande kranten leidde nergens tot "vraagtekens" of "commentaren".
    Zelfs hoogleraar McMurthry uit Canada die ik al zo'n 10 jaar geleden probeerde te benaderen liet het afweten.
    Bij toeval vond ik nu van zijn hand het volgende artikel :
